Melanie Vargas ,13, is very good local talented Ballet dancer and Ice Skater, so I took some time off to ask her about her Career,and How it got started,and Why she loves it .
Kidsntheknow: How long have you been dancing?
Melanie : 11 years
Kidsntheknow: Where have you performed at and which is your favorite ?
Melanie : Irving Arts Center, Garland Theatre, and Prince of Peace Performing Arts Center. Fav. Irving Arts Center
Kidsntheknow : Ballet and Ice Skating ? Which one do you have more fun with ?
Melanie :More fun? Ballet. But 'Which one do i like more?' their both equal.
Kidsntheknow: Who helped you get your start ?
Melanie : Skating- saw some girls skating at Galleria (when i was 2) and wanted to try it. Ballet- we were walking by the window (when i was 2) and wanted to try!
Kidsntheknow: and we will be right back !
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